Creative Writing Prompts

origin_4462009469I know that to be a good writer, you have to Write. Every. Day.

I have a lot of catching up to do!

In an effort to explore what topics I’d like to write about, what interests me most, & what writing I’m best at, I’ve been using some creative writing prompts (CWP) to get my thoughts flowing and some words on the page. I plan to share those here, with all of you. These posts will be pure and unedited. The prompts may be something I found on the web, in a book or maybe from a comment from one of you. I may edit them or add to them in the future but for now they are what they are. A method for me to explore my writing creatively and see where my mind takes me.

I think the most unnerving part of this entire endeavor is sharing my writing so publicly and seeking input. I’ve never done that before! I’ve never written specifically for an audience and I’ve never received constructive criticism designed to help me improve my writing. I hope to overcome both of these challenges by sharing with all of you. I invite you to add your own responses to the prompts in the comments on these posts. Lets share together and put ourselves out there. We will only grow as writers in the process, right?

“The thing that is really hard, and really amazing, is giving up on being perfect and beginning the work of becoming yourself.” ~Anna Quindlen

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