
Hello there! If you’ve read my first post, you know a bit of why I’m here.  This blog is about my journey to discovering my passion and I’m only just beginning!

I’m a 36 year old wife and mother who works full time. When I think back, I have no idea how I ended up in the field I’m in other than just taking the path of least resistance. Isn’t that sad? I’m good at what I do but it doesn’t do anything for me. It doesn’t fuel me. It actually drains me. It prevents me from being the best that I can be in my life, with my family and friends. I see so many others doing things they LOVE, feel passionate about and being able to support themselves and their family. That is what I want and truly need to feel fulfilled.

Writing is something that has popped up off and on over the years as something I’ve wanted to do. Mostly it scared me though. Recently, digging back into the recesses of my memories, I recalled all the things I did when I was young. I dug up 3 short stories I had written. I remembered working on the Bare Essentials newspaper in elementary school and then again on my junior high newspaper. I remember working as a cashier at a home store in the mall and when it was quiet I would write short stories on the backs of the invoices.

Writing is how I expressed my inner most thoughts and feelings. Those things I didn’t feel I could share to anyone else. I have hundreds of pages I’ve written when I was going through a tough time.

Why did I stop? I wish I knew.

I know I never had any real “career guidance” in high school. I applied to and went to the same University as my sister which I quickly learned I hated. So I transferred to another state University. I picked a business degree. I think I must have thought it would be the easiest. And it was. I graduated in 3 1/2 years. I was always in a hurry to get on with my life that I never stopped to figure out what I wanted to DO with my life.

My company and career has been good to me. I have a fantastic salary and fabulous benefits. That’s probably the reason I’ve stayed put for so long. But now, after more than 15 years, I am finally realizing that I can’t continue on this same path. I must change something or I will have some serious regrets.

I’ve always loved writing and so that is what I’m going back to. The beauty of it is I don’t have to quit the job that pays the bills. I will have to make a concerted effort to find time to write. I’m going to take classes and explore my interests. Hopefully, it will turn into a career for me. In the meantime, I plan to just enjoy the ride, doing something I love, finally!

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