
How does one discover their passion?

I’ll be perfectly honest here. I don’t really know.

I do know that I have found myself here, at the age of 36, in love with my family and the things we do, explore and discover together. What I don’t love is where I spend the other 40 hours of my week. My work. I don’t really know how I got here. And I don’t want to be in the same place in another 15 years.

That realization is what pushed me to want to discover my passion. I thought about it a lot. I read a bit. What stuck with me most was something I read that said to think back to what I enjoyed the most when I was young. This was hard. I am notorious for having a terrible memory. I talked to my Mom and together we began remembering things. I have always loved animals. That was the easy one. What wasn’t so easy was what I actually spent my time doing.


I had forgotten about the books I’d written. The newspapers I worked on in elementary and junior high. I have started several blogs over the years. One, a cooking blog, was quite popular before I abandoned it, something I regret since soon after many began making some serious money with theirs.

So here I am.  Just a mom who wants to be a good role model to her son. To provide for my family in a way that fuels me, not drains me. To show her son that work doesn’t have to make you miserable. If you do something you love, it won’t feel like work.

This blog is about my journey. I’m just beginning. I might share funny stories about my son, my family, our travels. I’d love to share some recipes and talk about my four legged family members. But mostly I want to write. Write about life, love, joy, trials, setbacks, sadness. I’ll be writing about all of it because this is real. This is my journey, a course correction, to find my passion.

What is your passion? What do you do every day to fuel that passion?

“Don’t worry about what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive and do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive.” ~Howard Thurman

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