A new year is upon us and with that comes the requisite new years resolutions. I actually haven’t ever really made any in past years. At least, I haven’t written them down so I couldn’t tell you what they were (remember that memory I mentioned earlier?). This year I thought I would do something different and actually WRITE them down. So, here goes:

1. Write: I want to successfully complete my first writing course in the spring and possibly sign up for another in the fall. I also want to keep up with writing on this blog. I’d like to post 2-3 times a week minimum. I have an idea for a novel that I’ve started working on and doing research for. I’d like to have the research completed, a full outline, character profiles and some chapters of the book complete by the end of the year. This is huge and I know it will be a challenge. 

2. Read: I’m signing up for the 50 book challenge on goodreads. I never make time for reading and I really want to read more this year. I know it will benefit me and my writing.

3. Eat Less, Move More: No, this isn’t the old “I am going to lose X pounds this year.” I have been stopping and starting with running since the birth of my son – almost 4 years ago! I recently found a workout I really LOVE (Orangetheory Fitness) and started that in October. I want to continue going to OTF 2 times per week and run at home 3 times per week. It’s good for me and my sweet dog, Annie. The eating less is harder. Mostly I want to eat less sugar and not eating late at night. Mostly, I just want to be healthy and have more energy. If I lose a few pounds in the process, great. But I’m not putting a specific weight out there because it has just NEVER worked for me. 

4. Random Acts of Kindness: this world needs more kindness don’t you think? Recently, my family & I were out to dinner and when we went to pay the bill the server told us that someone had covered our entire bill. The man had already left so we have no idea why. Possibly, just because. It was overwhelming and humbling and oh so very kind. That random act of kindness impacted me in a powerful way and inspired me to “pay it forward.” I want to spread that kindness big and small in my own life.

5. Travel: Local, out-of-state, abroad. Travel of all kinds. I love exploring new places with my family and I want to continue that in 2015.  

That’s it. Short and sweet. I won’t overwhelm myself with too much. I think this is a good list to manage my course correction, primarily with writing. The rest will enrich my life in other ways that hopefully have a positive impact on my writing as well.

What are you resolutions for 2015?

Write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.‘” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson

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